torsdag, januar 23, 2025
Hjemindymedia.noDommedagsklokken viser tre minutt på midnatt. Nå skal den stilles igjen. Og...

Dommedagsklokken viser tre minutt på midnatt. Nå skal den stilles igjen. Og det blir verre…tikk takk…

Uttalelsen under er ikke akkurat lystig lesning. Det går feil vei for menneskeheten i følge dommedagskomiteen:

«Tensions between the United States and Russia that remain at levels reminiscent of the Cold War, the danger posed by climate change, and nuclear proliferation concerns, including the recent North Korean nuclear test, are the main factors influencing the decision about any adjustment that may be made to the Doomsday Clock.

In January 2015, the Doomsday Clock’s minute hand advanced two minutes, moving from five to three minutes before midnight, the closest it has been to catastrophe since the early days of above-ground hydrogen bomb testing.»


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