onsdag, januar 8, 2025
Hjemindymedia.noHan er 108 år. Og forteller at det er en spesiell grunn...

Han er 108 år. Og forteller at det er en spesiell grunn til at han er blitt så gammel!

Du kommer ikke til å like svaret. Grunnen til et langt og godt liv er i følge Jack hardt arbeid. Han har hele livet jobbet hardt og hatt fokus på både fysisk arbeid.
– Flere ganger har jeg jobbet 20 timer i strekk. Og jeg tror det er grunnen til at jeg er blitt så gammen, opplyser han.

Jack Mansfield with his late wife, Beatrice. A great-grandad who has become the oldest man in Britain at the age of 108 says the secret to a long life is hard work and a daily FRY-UP. See NTI story NTIOLD. Former farmer John Mansfield, known as Jack, was born in 1907 meaning he has lived through 19 Prime Ministers, five monarchs and survived two world wars. The sprightly centenarian has also worked through the Great Depression and has been alive for historic events such as man’s first journey into space and the sinking of Titanic. He lived in Mayfield, Derbys., for most of his life until medical problems prompted a move to Tynefield Court Care Home, in Etwall, Derbys., just five weeks ago. Jack, who will reach the age of 109 in December, celebrated being unveiled as the oldest man in the country by treating himself to a pint of lager on Monday (17/10). Jack brought up his family of six children, the oldest being 84-year-old Doreen Butt, in Mayfield with late wife Beatrice, who passed away 26 years ago. The former Co-op coal man also has 10 grandchildren, 15 great-grandchildren and a great, great grandchild. Jack said his relentless work schedule, which saw him still perform manual work at the age of 98, has been a key part of his long life.


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